Thursday, October 31, 2019

Strategic Military Intermodal Transportation Essay

Strategic Military Intermodal Transportation - Essay Example These are all geared towards providing the Command's clients with excellent and time-effective service. USTRANSCOM provides a daily service to American warfighters. As such, it strives towards providing an integrated and synchronized deployment and distribution system under unified command. As such, it is the Command's role to work closely with the Department of Defense (DOD) in order to provide warfighter support. The DOD transformations towards integration and unification are part of the USTRANSCOM Distribution Process Owner initiatives. Specifically, according to the Web site, military assets are valued in excess of $52 billion; these include 87 ships, 1,269 aircraft, 2,150 railcars and other equipment. Infrastructure is in the range of $1.4 billion. Its wartime human resources comprise 51,853 soldiers on active duty, 88,089 of reserve force and Guard, and 16,606 of civilian personnel. Commercial partners provide equipment such as aircraft and vessels in the Civil Reserve Air Fleet (CRAF). The Voluntary Intermodal Sealift Agreement also provides access to various resources controlled by civilian entities. These are used to provide 88 percent of U.S. land transport, 50 percent global air transport, and 64 percent of global sea transport. As mentioned, the Command conducts its operations on a worldwide scale, on a daily basis. According to, an average week sees more than 1,900 air missions and 10,000 ground shipments across 75% of the world. B. USTRANSCOM Component Parts USTRANSCOM operates by means of various component commands, each focused on a specific aspect of the Command's operations. These include the Air Mobility Command, The Military Sealift Command, and the Military Surface Deployment and Distribution Command. The first is located at the Scott Air Force Base, Illinois, the second in Washington, D.C., and the third in Alexandria, Virginia. Specifically, the function of the Air Mobility Command (AMC) is to provide services such as strategic and tactical airlift, refuelling, and aeromedical evacuation. In this way, the AMC enables the deployment, sustenance, and redeployment of U.S. forces. Because of its wide reach via commercial contracts through programs such as CRAF, the AMC is able to provide swift response. Special duty and operational support aircraft, such as Air Force One, also function under this component of the Command. The Military Sealift Command (MSC) provides sealift transportation for the same purpose as those of the AMC: to sustain and deploy U.S. forces where these are needed, and where they are most easily reachable by sea. The MSC comprises both government-owned and chartered ships under VISA contracts. The main function of these ships is to move unit equipment from the United States to operation posts throughout the world. In addition to these, the MSC also commands prepositioned ships throughout the world. These are placed in strategic locations in order to provide equipment and supplies to the Army, Navy, Marine Corps, Air Force, and the Defense Logistics Agency. In order to provide fast and efficient service, these ships remain at sea. This reduces response time, especially for urgent needs. The function of the Surface Deployment and Distribution Command (SDDC) is to provide ocean terminal, commercial ocean liner and traffic management services to U.S. forces on a global basis. As such, the SDDC is mainly

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Does the internet strengthen social connections Essay

Does the internet strengthen social connections - Essay Example The sources that were used for the analysis of the two sides of the debate came from both scholarly sources from Google Scholar, and from popular media sources like blogs and articles from the world wide web. May introverts feel that they can better express themselves online and are therefore more likely to form relationships in such a setting, and this is because they feel much safer, more comfortable and more confident online (Burke, Kraut & Marlowe, 2011). Moreover, online contact naturally brings about like-minded souls who share particular interests in this world of hyperpluralism, ideological diversity and widening social diversity (Stern & Adams, 2010). The Internet, with its bonding and bridging abilities, also fosters ways to build new relationships by somehow removing or reducing particular barriers like those of geographical in nature. Furthermore, by focusing only on like-minded group members and without considering other irrelevant differences, the Internet can bypass several cultural and social differences (Stern & Adams, 2010). Another advantage of the Internet when it comes to strengthening social ties is that it can link those who are interested in the same type of volunteer activities as well as the organizations that take charge of such activities. Moreover, the Internet can actually foster volunteer and community participation because it performs well its role in â€Å"supplementing real-life community gatherings† (Stern & Adams, 2010). Social interactions on the Internet have also been found to be correlated with satisfaction with school life as well as one’s degree of self-esteem. In short, the authors have concluded that the use of Facebook may actually overcome barriers faced by students who are known to have low satisfaction as well as low self-esteem (Ellison, Steinfield & Lampe, 2007). Moreover, another way by which the use of the Internet can foster and

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Evidence-based Practice in Wound Cleansing

Evidence-based Practice in Wound Cleansing Introduction This essay defines the concept of evidence-based practice and discusses the importance of evidence-based practice for professional practice. The essay also selects an aspect of practice that is relevant to adult nursing, namely the use of water vs. saline for wound cleansing, provides a rationale for choosing that aspect within the context of evidence based practice, and, drawing on practice experience and examples of approbate evidence, discusses the extent to which the aspect of professional practice is informed by different types of evidence. In addition, the essay, with reference to the selected aspect of professional practice, discusses the factors that can hinder, or hinder the implementation of, evidence-based practice. Evidence-based practice is usually taken to mean using â€Å"the current best evidence in making decisions about the care of individual patients† (see Sackett et al., 1996), with a more recent definition being, â€Å"Evidence-based practice requires that decisions about health care are based on best available, current, valid and relevant evidence. These decisions should be made by those receiving care, informed by the tacit and explicit knowledge of those providing care, within the context of available resources† (see Dawes et al., 2005). The importance of evidence-based practice for professional practice In terms of the importance of evidence-based practice for professional nursing practice, offering evidence-based assessments and treatments has become widespread across the nursing profession due to the need for the NHS to be seen to be accountable to their patients as part of the NHS Plan (see Griepp, 1992). In essence, in the context of the NHS Plan and the consequences of this for professional practice, the aim of evidence-based nursing practice is to treat the patient in the best possible way, as dictated by the most up-to-date evidence available, in a timely manner, in order to ensure the highest possible quality of care for that individual patient (Cluett and Bluff, 2000). Within the framework of the NHS, the NHS Plan has meant many changes to nursing practice, including improvements in the delivery of service but mainly placing emphasis on the prompt delivery of evidence-based care and the pro-active involvement of the patient in their own care. As part of this change, which is a sea-change in the way in which the NHS has traditionally viewed care, nursing staff need to commit themselves to lifelong learning and professional development, within an evidence-based practice framework. This evidence-based framework dictates that nursing staff must use the current best evidence when making decisions about patient care, in order to conform to the dictates of their particular guidelines for professional practice. This is especially pertinent considering the need to empower patients through involvement in patient care, under the dictates of the NHS Plan: as Playle and Keeley (1998) argue, patients are no longer passive receivers of care as the NHS now needs to be seen to be accountable to their patients. Offering evidence-based assessments and treatments fulfills the requirements to be accountable to patients through the use of up-to-date research to inform treatment practices, for example (see also Griepp, 1992). Rationale for choosing the use of water vs. saline in wound cleansing This section of the essay discusses an aspect of practice that is relevant to adult nursing, namely the use of water vs. saline for wound cleansing, and provides a rationale for choosing that aspect within the context of evidence-based practice. This aspect practice has been chosen as it is commonly found in nursing practice: many individuals present with wounds at all nursing levels, including AE, community nursing and intensive care, amongst others. The issue thus has widespread importance in nursing practice across many different areas of practice. An analysis of the extent to which the use of water vs. saline for wound cleansing is informed by different types of evidence This section of the essay will now draw on my practice experience, and, using examples of appropriate evidence, will discuss the extent to which the use of water vs. saline for wound cleansing is informed by different types of evidence. Cunliffe and Fawcett (2002) found that nurses are presented with a variety of wound cleansing options, from the products that can be used to cleanse wounds to the dressings that can be used. The work found that this makes it difficult for nurses to make decisions about patient treatment, which means that nursing staff, instead of looking to the literature for advice, turn to the RCN guidelines, which is not an ideal basis for evidence-based practice (Cunliffe and Fawcett, 2002). Betts (2003) found that wound cleansing with water does not differ from wound cleansing with other substances, in terms of wound infection and wound healing (similarly to Gannon, 2007; Hall, 2007 and Griffiths et al., 2001). Fernandez and Griffiths (2008) conducted a systematic review of the literature on the use of water for wound cleansing and found that, whilst saline is usually favoured for wound cleansing, tap water is also a viable alternative, as it does not increase infection and there is some evidence that using tap water actually reduces the risk of infection, even in acute wounds. Their conclusion was that boiled tap water can be used as a wound cleansing agent (Fernandez and Griffiths, 2008), a conclusion also reached by Moscati et al. (2007), O’Neill (2002), Valente et al. (2003), Whaley (2004) and Riyat and Quinton (1997). Thus, the evidence from the research conducted on this subject suggests, overwhelmingly, that tap water is a viable alternative to saline for wound cleansing. The RCN guidelines for wound cleansing still, however, state that saline should be used for wound cleansing. The next section will look at this discrepancy in detail. The factors that facilitate or hinder the implementation of evidence-based practice in wound cleansing This section makes reference to the selected aspect of professional practice in order to discuss the factors that facilitate or hinder the implementation of evidence-based practice. There are many structures designed to support evidence-based nursing practice, including research and development that translates in to best practice guidelines. However, whilst it is clear that nursing staff, under the dictates of the NHS Plan, need to work within an evidence-based care framework, there are no guidelines as to how research is best incorporated in to their practice, in terms of what research should be used or what questions should be asked of that research, and so nursing staff often end up following guidelines that are produced for them, by the NHS. These guidelines are based on current research, and so do provide evidence-based care for patients, in some sense, but following guidelines does not involve nursing staff being directly involved in evidence-based care. As one of the main principles of evidence-based practice is that decisions about care should be based on the best currently available evidence from research, this situation is not ideal. Under a true evidence-based practice framework, nursing staff should be regularly undertaking literature searches themselves, to ensure that they themselves keep up to date with the research, and that they are aware of any new recommendations for nursing practice that are suggested by this research. They should then be implementing these new recommendations. This, however, provides difficulties, in that nurses are bound, by their professional training, to provide the usual standards of care, with the possible implication that, should a nurse try a new treatment method on a patient, following their research on a subject, as part of the evidence-based framework, and this treatment is not successful, the nurse would have let the patient down, under the guidelines provided for their professional practice. This, thus, provides a dilemma for nursing staff, who are bound to work under an evidence-based framework, but who are – in practice reliant on the timely provision of updates to treatment guidelines, which are based on an evidence-based framework but which have not been researched individually by the nursing staff. For example, as has been seen, there are many research publications that show how water can be beneficial in cleansing wounds, but the current recommended practice from the RCN guidelines is that â€Å"irrigation of the wound with saline is usually sufficient† with the provided rationale for this being that, â€Å"cleansing traumatic wounds with saline was associated with a lower rate of clinical infection when compared to tap water (Angeras et al., 1992)†, the RCN guidelines do concede that no clinical trials have been performed comparing tap water and saline water in wound cleansing and, as such, that there is no real evidence-base for these recommendations. Nursing staff working within an evidence-based framework could read the literature supporting water as an effective wound cleanser, and could base their treatment on this literature, which, whilst being within the scope of evidence-based practice, as recommended by the NHS Plan, would go against what they are recommended to do by their professional body. In the example discussed in this essay, therefore, the evidence as provided by the research has not yet been translated in to an up-to-date set of guidelines for nursing staff to follow. It seems, therefore, that patients are not being treated according to the best possible set of treatments according to the research, but, as the RCN guidelines state, there has, as yet, been no clinical trial of wound cleansing with water vs. saline, and so, even if the research suggests tap water is an effective, if not more effective wound cleanser than saline, until a clinical trial has been undertaken testing this, the recommendations for treatme nt will not change. In this case, however, a clinical trial is extremely difficult to imagine, due to the temporary and highly individual nature of wounds, which makes it impossible to provide clinical trial conditions to test water vs. saline as wound cleansing agents. As such, even though the literature suggests that tap water is an effective, if not more effective, wound cleanser than saline, saline will still continue to be used, as this has been used historically, and because no clinical trial has been set up proving the effectiveness of tap water, meaning that tap water cannot be recommended as a wound cleanser, in that it is not recommended in the RCN guidelines for nursing staff. Nursing staff are, however, under the evidence-based practice framework, able to apply, monitor and record wound cleansing using tap water. This approach allows nursing staff to approach the process of evidence-based practice in a series of steps (as recommended by Cluett and Bluff, 2000), within the guidelines provided by the RCN. The first step is defining the research question, based on evidence gained from treating patients in practice, which, in this case would be, â€Å"What is the best way to cleanse a patients wound, using tap water or saline?†. The next step would be to search for and to read all the relevant literature, and then to decide, on the basis of that literature, what the best treatment options are for the patient. This would, as has been seen, overwhelmingly suggest that tap water is the best treatment option, but the RCN guidelines would suggest that saline is the best treatment option. The nurse would thus be obliged to use saline but could apply, monitor and record wound cleansing using tap water, as part of the evidence-based framework they are encouraged to follow. Evaluation of the care provided and the processes through which the care was decided upon and administered would constitute the third and final step of the evidence-based framework (as given by Cluett and Bluff, 2000), which would gather all the relevant information and then would evaluate the results of this treatment in terms of finding a better solution for wound cleansing. This step-by-step approach to evidence-based practice allows for gradual improvements in the delivery of patient care through a process of gathering evidence of best practice. As has been seen, however, often nursing staff are not encouraged to follow this pathway as they are obliged to be bound by the guidelines for treatment provided by their professional body, the RCN, which, in this case, recommends a treatment option that seems outdated, according to the current research. Conclusion As shown by the appraisal of evidence for the use of tap water vs. saline as a wound cleanser, evidence-based practice in a nurses working life can be hindered by their professional guidelines, which, in this case, have not been updated based on the findings of current research. Whilst evidence-based practice facilitates best treatment practice for patients (as dictated by the NHS Plan) through the step-by-step approach outlined by Cluett and Bluff (2000), in this case, this facilitation is not enabled through the failure of the RCN to update their guidelines. Angeras M.H. et al. (1992). Comparison between sterile saline and tap water for the cleaning of acute traumatic soft tissue wounds. European Journal of Surgery, 158; 6-7: 347-50. Betts, J. (2003). Review: wound cleansing with water does not differ from no cleansing or cleansing with other solutions for rates of wound infection or healing. Evidence Based Nursing 6, pp.81. Cluett, E. and Bluff, R. (eds.), 2000. Principles and Practice of research in midwifery. Bailliere Tindall. Cormack, D., 2000. The research process in nursing. Oxford: Blackwell Science. Cunliffe, P.J. and Fawcett, T.N. (2002). Wound cleansing: the evidence for the techniques and solutions used. Professional Nursing 18, pp.95-99. Dawes, M. et al., 2005. Sicily statement on evidence-based practice. BMC Medical Education 5, pp.1-2. Fernandez, R. and Griffiths, R. (2008). Water for wound cleansing. Cochrane Systematic Syst Rev 23, pp. CD003861. Gannon, R. (2007). Wound cleansing: sterile water or saline? Nursing Times 103, pp.44-46. Goldenberg, M.A., 2006. On evidence and evidence-based medicine: a commentary on common criticisms. CMAJ 163(7), pp.837-841. Griepp, m.E, 1992. Undermedication for pain: an ethical model. Advances in Nursing Science 15. pp.44-53. Griffiths, R.D. et al. (2001). Is tap water a safe alternative to normal saline for wound irrigation in the community setting? Journal of Wound care 10, pp.407-411. Guyatt, G. et al., 2004. Evidence-based medicine has come a long way. BMJ 329, pp.990-991. Hall, S. (2007). A review of the effect of tap water vs. normal saline on infection rates in acute traumatic wounds. Journal of Wound Care 16, pp.38-41. Hinchiff, S. et al. (2003). Nursing practice and health care. Hodder Arnold. LoBiondon-Wood, G. Haber, J. (2006) Nursing Research: Methods and Critical Appraisal for Evidence-Based Practice. St. Louis. Mosby. Moscati, R.M. et al. (2007). A multicenter comparison of tap water vs. saline for wound irrigation. Acad Emerg Med 14, pp.404-409. NLH (2006). What is the evidence-based method of wound cleansing either with tap water or normal saline? Available from [Accessed 20th March 2008]. O’Neill, D. (2002). Can tap water be used to irrigate wounds in AE? Nursing Times 98, pp.56-59. Patel, S. and Beldon, P. (2003). Examining the literature on using tap water in wound cleansing. Nursing Times 99, pp.22-24. Riyat, M.S. and Quinton, D.N. (1997). Tap water as a wound cleansing agent in AE. J Accid Emerg Med 14, pp.165-166. Sachine-Kardase A, et al. (1992). Study of clean versus aseptic technique of tracheotomy care based on the level of pulmonary infection. Noseleutike 31(141), pp.201-11. Sackett et al., 1996. Evidence-based medicine: what it is and what it isn’t. BMJ, 312, pp.71-2. Salami, A.A. et al. (2006). A comparison of the effect of chlorohexidine, tap water and normal saline on healing wounds. Int J Morph 24, pp.673-676. Valente, J.H. et al. (2003). Wound irrigation in children: saline solution or tap water? Ann Emerg Med 41, pp.609-616. Watret L., Armitage M.A. (2002). Making Sense of Wound Cleansing. Journal of Community Nursing, 16(4), pp.27, 29-32, 34. Whaley, S. (2004). Tap water or normal saline for cleansing traumatic wounds? Br J Comm Nurs 9, pp.471-478.

Friday, October 25, 2019

Should You Buy a Harley Davidson? :: Harley Davidson

I have conversed with many other motorcycle riders about what motorcycle is the best. Many riders had wanted, ordered or already purchased a Harley. Reasons I hear from other riders and potentially interested persons as to why they have to have a Harley: It is the only real American made motorcycle. A Harley is the best motorcycle on the road. Harley Davidson is the oldest motorcycle company. A Harley Davidson is a good investment. American riders do not want to ride "Jap Junk." Riders do not want to start on something small and have to trade up. Fact: Harley Davidson is not the only American made motorcycle. There is a myth that Harley is the only American made motorcycle. To believe that, you would need to overlook the Honda of America plant in Marysville, Ohio and the Kawasaki Plant in Nebraska. Both are manufacturing plants, not assembly plants. That means that Honda does not ship in boxes of parts and put them together here as part of some evil conspiracy. Simple fact, it makes good business sense to manufacture their motorcycles in the USA. Manufacturers will be the first to tell you that the work force here is skilled, the U.S. suppliers and vendors produce excellent pieces. Take a good look at the contemporary Harley Davidson; it has quite a collection of foreign made parts. I do not have a problem with this; lets just keep it in perspective. Finally, manufacturers cannot just claim something is "Made in the USA." The Federal Trade Commission has specific criteria for what percentage of the parts must be ma de and sourced in the USA. There have been years where a larger percentage of a Honda Goldwing was USA made and sourced than a Harley Davidson. Everyone wants to think their motorcycle is "the best." I have owned several different brands of motorcycles. I would not call any of my former motorcycles "the best." Yes, maybe they were the best sport bikes in a given year, or touring model, or trail bike at the moment. Each and every motorcycle I have owned had room for improvement. What would make a Harley Davidson the best? Best should be defined as a motorcycle that suits you and your primary use for it. Should You Buy a Harley Davidson? :: Harley Davidson I have conversed with many other motorcycle riders about what motorcycle is the best. Many riders had wanted, ordered or already purchased a Harley. Reasons I hear from other riders and potentially interested persons as to why they have to have a Harley: It is the only real American made motorcycle. A Harley is the best motorcycle on the road. Harley Davidson is the oldest motorcycle company. A Harley Davidson is a good investment. American riders do not want to ride "Jap Junk." Riders do not want to start on something small and have to trade up. Fact: Harley Davidson is not the only American made motorcycle. There is a myth that Harley is the only American made motorcycle. To believe that, you would need to overlook the Honda of America plant in Marysville, Ohio and the Kawasaki Plant in Nebraska. Both are manufacturing plants, not assembly plants. That means that Honda does not ship in boxes of parts and put them together here as part of some evil conspiracy. Simple fact, it makes good business sense to manufacture their motorcycles in the USA. Manufacturers will be the first to tell you that the work force here is skilled, the U.S. suppliers and vendors produce excellent pieces. Take a good look at the contemporary Harley Davidson; it has quite a collection of foreign made parts. I do not have a problem with this; lets just keep it in perspective. Finally, manufacturers cannot just claim something is "Made in the USA." The Federal Trade Commission has specific criteria for what percentage of the parts must be ma de and sourced in the USA. There have been years where a larger percentage of a Honda Goldwing was USA made and sourced than a Harley Davidson. Everyone wants to think their motorcycle is "the best." I have owned several different brands of motorcycles. I would not call any of my former motorcycles "the best." Yes, maybe they were the best sport bikes in a given year, or touring model, or trail bike at the moment. Each and every motorcycle I have owned had room for improvement. What would make a Harley Davidson the best? Best should be defined as a motorcycle that suits you and your primary use for it.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Study of inclusive learning analysis

Lord Sandy Leitch was commissioned by the authorities in 2004 to transport out an independent reappraisal of the long-run accomplishments that the United Kingdom would necessitate to accomplish maximal growing, productiveness and societal justness by 2020. The reappraisal identified that the UK was dawdling behind in the accomplishments market compared to other states such as USA, Canada and South Korea. This is mostly due to the fact that in the past chances to derive accomplishments has been elitist in that merely those who can afford to come on educationally to derive accomplishments have done so, this has meant that people have non been given the chances to make their full potency. More than a 3rd of working grownups have non achieved even the basic makings ensuing in a big proportion lacking in basic accomplishments – numeracy and literacy. The imperativeness release from the authorities summarises the Leitch study as saying that out of 30 Organisation for economic co-operation and development ( OECD ) states, the UK is 17th on low accomplishments, 20th on intermediate accomplishments and 11th on high accomplishments. Five million grownups in the UK lack functional literacy which is represented as a degree 1 making and 17 m illion grownups have trouble with Numberss. It besides stated that more than one in six immature people leave school unable to read, compose or add up decently. A extremely skilled work force is indispensable to the state ‘s economic growing to enable it to run into the demands of the consumer. The benefits for the person will intend higher incomes and raise aspirations, for employers it a greater accent on vocational accomplishments Lord Leitch concludes: â€Å" Skills were one time a cardinal lever for prosperity and equity. Skills are now progressively the cardinal lever. † Sir Andrew Foster was asked to transport out a reappraisal of the future function of Further Education colleges in 2004. The reappraisal identified that some strengths within his study such as a committed and professional work force, a strong committedness to inclusion, a diverseness of classs already provided. On the other manus many failings were highlighted such as jobs with the degree of makings and accomplishments, image & A ; repute through underperformance although this was pointed out that it merely affected 4 % of the proviso, conflicts between FE colleges, the LSC and the DfES, there were excessively many organic structures inspecting, reding and regulation and excessively many pupils do non accomplish the making on the class that they enrol, in drumhead that they are non gaining their full potency. The recommendations were to hold a greater accent on vocational classs, those that end with a making so that they can be used within the work force. Local employers need to be consulted on what skills they require their work force to hold so that the classs offered are relevant to the local community. Another recommendation is that any reviews should hold a lighter attack ; colleges should non being inundated with inspectors. Colleges need to work within the community to offer indispensable accomplishments by supplying outreach to those that would non be able to entree the college, guaranting inclusion. Students should have impartial advice from colleges with respect to classs that suit them and non the college. More establishments schools, colleges, voluntary administrations, support administrations and Higher Education constitutions should all work with each other for the benefit of the scholars and the employers. As with the Leitch reappraisal these recommendations will take clip, support and attempt from all involved. The LSC has undergone major alterations through the ‘Agenda for Change ‘ plan which supports the recommendations in the Foster study in run intoing the work force accomplishments in the employment sector, by support classs that have vocational makings. As a consequence of the Leitch reappraisal the Government made a recommendation that all childcarers hold the lower limit of a current degree 3 certification in early old ages. In order to accomplish this they can use for support through the ‘Transformation Fund ‘ which was set up by the Government as portion of ‘Choice for parents, the best start for kids: a 10 twelvemonth scheme for child care. This gives parents a greater pick about returning to work and guaranting that their child care demands are met.MentionsReece & A ; Walker ( 2000 ) Teaching, Training and Learning: A Practical Guide, Business Education Publishers Ltd Smith, M. K. ( 2001 ) ‘Donald Schon: acquisition, contemplation and alteration ‘ , the encyclopaedia of informal instruction, accessed on 26th October 2007 hypertext transfer protocol: // accessed on 21st October 2007 hypertext transfer protocol: // accessed on 21st October 2007 hypertext transfer protocol: // accessed on 25th October 2007 hypertext transfer protocol: // accessed on 26th October 2007Provide infusions from their on-going brooding acquisition diary which will analyze and measure:Their apprehension of the rules and procedures of rating including its function in quality confidence.‘Evaluation is the procedure of roll uping and/or utilizing information for the intents of finding the value and worth-whileness of the topic of the rating procedure ‘ ( Birley & A ; Morel 1998 ) . Evaluation involves the systematic finding of the quality, value or importance of things. In the context of the third instruction reforms, the acceptance of an appraising attack means a direct focal point on ‘valued results ‘ and ‘key lending procedures ‘ . It is of import that the elements of the rating model are clearly identified and that the model and elements are consistent and practical. A important facet of the third reforms is that a common model for quality confidence will use across the sector. There will, nevertheless, be fluctuations in the appraising methods, tools and attacks used in sub-sectors. The purpose is to hold a flexible attack, antiphonal to the demands of the sub-sector, without compromising the unity and utility of the overall rating procedure and findings. Principles and cardinal characteristics of self-assessment and external rating and reappraisal are reciprocally reenforcing and support improved results for scholars. The cardinal characteristics provide illustrations of what the rules could look like in pattern. Evaluation inquiries guide the way and purpose of the rating procedure. ( Evaluation inquiries are open-ended inquiries about quality, value or importance, for illustration: How effectual is the learning? How good do programmes and activities meet the demands and aspirations of scholars? ) Evaluation indexs identify the ‘valued results ‘ and the ‘key procedures ‘ likely to lend to them, every bit good as placing what the grounds for these might look like. They besides signal possible causal relationships. Evaluation indexs are supported by research, and sector and bureau experience, about what works. This paper deals specifically with the first component of the model – the rules. There will be audience on the other elements as work progresses in these countries.Overarching rules of new quality confidenceThe undermentioned rules underpin the new attack to quality confidence. 1. The primary duty for quality and betterment prevarications with single TEOs. Therefore self-assessment should be embedded in TEOs ‘ modus operandi planning, operational and concern activities. 2. It is intended that the rating model provides a common footing for quality confidence across the third sector. 3. The focal point for quality confidence will be on the quality of larning which is considered to be the combined consequence of the quality of the acquisition experience ( including learning ) and the value of the results achieved. This is illustrated in Figure 2. The quality of the acquisition experience The quality of larning = + The value of the results achieved Figure 2 – The focal point on acquisition and instruction 4. While concentrating on the quality of acquisition, conformity with the regulative agreements remains of import. TEOs will still be required to show that they comply with relevant statute law and ordinances. Figure 3 shows the relationship between results, cardinal procedures act uponing results and conformity with the regulative agreements. The methods of accomplishing desired results vary depending on context. There is no ‘one right manner ‘ and TEOs are encouraged to be advanced and flexible in response to local fortunes, within the restraints of the regulative agreements.ResultsEvidence of TEO part to: scholar results ( accomplishment and advancement ) TEO degree results system degree resultsConformity with Regulatory AgreementsEvidence of TEOs run intoing legislative and regulative demandsKey Processes Influencing OutcomesEvidence of TEO internal systems and procedures for: demands designation at scholar, employer, regional and national degrees quality betterment ( sing grounds of both procedure and result ) Figure 3: The relationship between results, cardinal procedures and conformity 5. The quality confidence system will recognize and reflect the typical parts of TEOs including specific acknowledgment of the nature and functions of MA?ori suppliers such as wA?nanga. A This means that within the rating model there will be different tools and procedures developed for different types of TEOs. It is intended that the new quality confidence system will back up the overall construct of high trust and high answerability. There is besides an outlook that those facets of the current system that are already working good will be retained and enhanced. It is intended that TEOs can go on to utilize their ain systems and processes where these back up the purposes of the move to an rating methodological analysis. The undermentioned subdivisions outline in more item the rules of the self-assessment, and external rating and reappraisal constituents of quality confidence.Self-assessment‘Self-assessment ‘ ( or ‘self-evaluation ‘ or ‘self-review ‘ ) here refers to the procedures a TEO uses to set up grounds of its ain effectivity. The consequences of this procedure can so inform hereafter planning, supply grounds to inform decision-making, and contribute to the actions taken to convey about betterment. Self-assessment is non limited to a one-off appraising exercising prior to external reappraisal. Self-assessment involves an administration consistently measuring how good it: programs and manages, based on sound information and professional determination devising ; determines and responds to stakeholder demands attracts scholars because of the quality of the instruction and the quality of the programmes provided gets scholars on the right tract to win manages the acquisition and appraisal procedure analyses scholar and other stakeholder results, including the valued added, and utilize this honest and crystalline analysis to inform future programme design and bringing determines the relevancy of programmes to stakeholder demands Ensures that learners advancement to relevant and purposeful finishs.Their ain application of rating procedures, working with others and their usage of informations and other feedback for rating.Embedded equality of chance and regard for diverseness within your instruction and acquisition patterns.Analyze the impact of ain professional values and opinions on instruction and acquisition.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Advantages of cctv

Crime prevention has been somewhat a battle that most authorities face as they try to come up with new measures to deter crime and anti-social behaviour among citizens. One of the ways to prevent these problems is by using Closed Circuit Television (CCTV) in places where there are crime risks such as shopping malls and banks. The CCTV can be defined as the use of video cameras to transmit signals or images to a specific place or set of monitors, which allows close monitoring and surveillance.Nowadays, CCTVs are widely used to prevent crimes and some are installed in public areas. I agree that it plays an important role in preventing crime and antl-soclal behaviour. Since crime and anti-soclal behaviours such as theft, rape, and other inconsiderate acts can cause damage to our society, measures such as Installing CCTVs in certain areas can be used to deter such acts. The act of breaking the law or antl-soclal behaviour such a vandalism of government property are done because the crimi nals believe that there is no one or no authorized personnel watching their wrongdoings.They believe that they can escape from the law because there is no evidence or witness to the crime. By installing CCTVs in areas where the crime rate is high, for example, parking lots or car parks, crimes Ilke car theft can be reduced. In a survey done by Northeastern University, it was analysed that the surveillance cameras have helped in crime reduction, with a decline of 51% crime rates In parking lots. Recently, more people are installing CCTVs in their private residence to stop break-ins. Criminals become discouraged when they see these devices.This is because the cameras may record he criminal's actions and their faces. The cameras' presence in the area can curb the criminals from committing the crime for fear of being recorded on tape. Besides that, the technology of surveillance cameras have improved throughout the years, providing high quality and high definition videos and images that can capture the details of people's physical appearance with the exact time and place. This may well instil hesitation and fear in the hearts of law-offenders, thus dampening their urge to commit crimes.The CCTVs do not only discourage the acts of crime, but It serves as roviding critical evidence for certain crimes. For example, CCTVs were substantially useful in the murder of James Bulger in England In the year of 1993. As James' mother was momentarily distracted in the shopping mall where they were shopping, the surveillance cameras In the shopping mall recorded scenes of how 2-year-old James was abducted by two 10-year-old boys, Jon Venables and Robert Thompson. They brought him out from the shopping mall and to several places before finally murdering him near a cemetery.The video footage documented by the CCTVs of the hopping mall were attained and displayed in national television by the media. A woman who knew Venables and that he had played truant with Thompson that day, saw the video and recognized him. She immediately contacted the police and the two been recognized, and they may have caused other murders or anti-social behaviours which pose a definite threat to people, in this case, small children. The CCTVs have helped to create hard evidence that is unchallenged.CCTVs have been a very modern measure in reducing crime rates, but some people argue that it actually displaces crime, rather than deterring it. Easily-available mini CCTVs have been known to be used for criminal activity. It can be install at automatic teller machines (ATM) to steal people's personal identification number without them knowing it. Apart from the fact that it may violate people's privacy, the CCTVs' videos are easily hacked and obtained. Some may use these videos illegally for their own use, usually for artistic purposes.In addition, some people think that the CCTVs cannot prevent crime, because crime prevention can only be done through education or correction of behaviour. They think that the surveillance cameras do nothing to inhibit crime, as in some occasions, crime still occur even though the cameras are present. For instance, a bank can still be robbed even with CCTVs operating for 24 hours. During robbery, the robbers can very well conceal their faces from the recording cameras simply by wearing a mask or cloth to avoid recognition. Their acts may be recorded, but their faces have been hidden.As a result, the videos obtained might prove non-useful. That is why some people believe that the CCTVs actually have no role in preventing crime. In conclusion, crime prevention using CCTVs is not the only way to combat crime and anti-social behaviour, but it is one of the practical ways that should be implemented. There are some countries that install CCTVs in public areas for the purpose of deterring crime and anti-social behaviour such as United Kingdom. A survey by University of Cambridge stated that the installations of the cameras have reduced crime and anti-social activity rates in public locations with a drop of 7%.In highways in some countries, CCTVs are fixed to poles or in trees to detect road-bullies nd drivers who exceed the speed limits. So, I strongly believe that the CCTVs are particularly useful in both private housing and public places, as it can create the uncomfortable feeling of being closely observed as offenders commit misconduct. This feeling can generate a consciousness in them, making them reluctant to break the law. Looking at the fgures, these methods have positive effects in controlling crime. Therefore, the CCTVs have a significant role in preventing crime and anti-social behaviour.CCTV Cameras are very useful when it comes to offering reliable monitoring and urveillance to a particular location. They are efficient equipment which help in the prevention of crime; they help keep criminals from breaking inside residences and also stealing valuables. However,' strongly believe that having CCTV security cam eras at home has more disadvantages than advantages. Apart from their strengths, CCTV Cameras are disadvantageous when it comes to personal privacy. Homeowners whoVe got CCTV camera systems set up in their own homes are going to be monitored 2417.They won't have the capacity to perform what they wish to do ecause they are being watched every single second, every single minute, every single day! It could be very annoying and also troublesome to appear in a video clip in which you have picked out your nose. It could be really irritating that the smallest motion that you try is going to be captured inside a video. Getting several CCTV Cameras and installing the best CCTV cameras at home can certainly help protect against as well as discourage crooks and also intruders. Yet, you're also limited from performing a lot of things without restraint.There are a few of the disadvantages of CCTV cameras to people's personal space such as no more personal discussions. Each family member can easi ly know what you and your pal is discussing over the phone. Your conversation won't be recorded completely, but it will capture whatever you have said in your conversation. So if it is something against one of the members of the family, everyone will know. Besides that, no more surprises. You can't plan for your mother's surprise birthday party together with your brothers and sisters because it will be documented on video.There are security CCTV cameras which can ecord not only the video footage but also the audio clearly. If perhaps you are thinking about surprising your own mommy for her 50th birthday celebration along with your siblings, don't plan it inside your home because it is going to be found by your mother in case she reads the cameras' recorded videos. In addition, You're conscious constantly. Having CCTV Cameras observing you will make you sense mindful. You need to act normally and even severely. You can't carry out outrageous things like running undressed in your home when you're home alone.You can't fart r perhaps burp anywhere indoors. Picking your nose is actually a no-no, too. These will simply embarrass you if your father begins to check out the videos and discovers everything you did. then moping and crying even inside your bedroom shouldn't be done. Let us say the man you're dating Just broke up with you and you wanted to be by yourself in your room to weep as well as let your emotions out. But you will find cameras installed inside. Crying inside the bedroom is going to be little bit uncomfortable since everyone will see you moping and crying.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

The Essay Expert’s Top 10 Lists of 2015

The Essay Expert’s Top 10 Lists of 2015 I started a tradition last year of compiling a list of some of my favorite lists at the end of the year. This year I’ve decided to alternate the items between subjects relevant to The Essay Expert’s favorite topics of discussion and those of more general or flighty interest. You’ll find lists here on topics from creating a powerful year ahead to brain teasers, LinkedIn statistics, CEO fiascos, and, yes, even cat videos. Have fun! Change Your Thinking, Change Your Results. This list of questions will give you a valuable baseline from which to start your year. You can ask these questions of yourself now, then in another 3 months, 6 months, etc. How do you rate yourself now? How do you want to rate yourself? And what will it take to get there? I’d recommend partnering with an accountability buddy on this one! Top 10 Visual Illusions. What can I say†¦ I love this stuff! My eyes were tricked by some of them! But I did find the baby in #10. 29 New Year’s Resolution Ideas – Make 2016 Your Best Year Ever. The resolutions on this list are as simple as â€Å"enjoy the little things† and are sure to improve your mental and physical well-being if you commit to them! They come along with links to sites that will support you in your goals. Choose one or two that speak to you and make 2016 truly your best year ever. The Worst CEO Screw-Ups of 2015. Susan Adams is one of my favorite bloggers and I recently discovered her yearly run-down of CEO screw-ups. From drug companies to auto companies to Yahoo, the egregious errors abound. By the Numbers: 125+ Amazing LinkedIn Statistics. This one is an encore from last year, updated for 2015! LinkedIn is up to 400 million users. Full disclosure: Most of the statistics here are from previous years, but I still like them anyway. 20 Alternative Uses For Common Household Items. Did you know that petroleum jelly can keep your car doors from freezing shut and that raw honey is an antibiotic? I am sharing this one again since I forgot half the tips since last year! Top 100 Best Places to Live. My city, Madison, WI, dropped from #1 to #3, but I still like this list!! Rochester, MN is #1 – who knew? If you’re considering a move in the next year, this list might inform your decision. Tips for â€Å"Beginning† Bloggers. I put â€Å"Beginning† in quotes because this list applies to all bloggers, no matter how long they’ve been blogging! Are you thinking of starting a blog, or feeling stuck with writing a current one? Either way, this list is for you. Top 10 Job Search Predictions for 2016. From predictions about millennials to trends in mobile and video recruitment, this article paints a picture of the job search landscape for the coming year. Funny Cats Compilation of 2015. Really, what would a top 10 list be without a cat video entry? I happen to find falling people and animals very funny, as long as no one gets hurt. So these got a good chuckle out of me! What’s your favorite list from 2015? Please share! And if you have candidates for the list as 2016 unfolds, please send them my way!

Monday, October 21, 2019

Why We Lie Essay Example

Why We Lie Essay Example Why We Lie Paper Why We Lie Paper Why we lie Lying has been around since the creation of human. Adam and Eve lied to god because they were scared after they ate from the forbidden apple tree. There are lots of reasons that could make people tell lies, Even though each reason might be different from the other in the end they all of them stem from one root cause which is being unable to bear the consequences of telling the truth. On the other hand, sometimes we lie because the truth may hurt someone we care about so we lie and from there we find some reasons why people lie. A guy and a girl have been married for more than five years. After all these years, one day the girl told the guy that she had lied to him many years ago about her previous love relationships! Infect when the guy and girl first met and started dating, the girl told the guy that he is her first and only boyfriend (love). .They got married after a long dating season. About five years later, the girl thought that she has to tell the truth to her husband and told him that she dated three other guys before him! The girl lied to him because she was afraid that the guy would not accept her as she was if she would have told him that she dated three other guys before him and maybe that she had sex with them too! The husband smiled at his wife and said â€Å"that is fine honey, because you lied for a good reason just to keep me by you†. From this short story, we learn that lying can be used for good reasoning and it is not always bad. Moreover, when a person loves someone so much he/she will do anything to stay with that person including lying, and this type of lying is usually called white lie. There are many different types of white lies that are told, such as, lies of flattery for example; if someone gives another person a gift and the gift was not what the person wanted, this person would reply â€Å"thank you so much! I love it! † This type of white lie is told because telling someone that their gift was undesirable would make the teller look like an inconsiderate being. On the other hand, lying is not always for a good reason even if people try because they do not want to hurt someone’s feelings. A doctor had a clinic that was located next to a coffee shop where he buys his morning coffee every day before going to work. At the coffee shop there was a beautiful woman working there and the guy liked her and someday he asked her out. As they were dating, the guy told everything about his past to the girl and asked her too says everything about her past. The girl told the guy that she had four boyfriends before and that she had no sexual relationship with any of them, and that one of them cheated on her with her best friend. She also told the guy that she has had some minor flirt relationships and kissed two other guys. The two of them dated for about ten months and everything was going as smooth as silk until the girl decided that it is time to tell the truth to her current boyfriend. So the girl told the guy that she lied and did not tell him about another guy with whom she had a relationship in the past. She told him that she met the guy on a social network some time ago before she started dating him and that she had sexual relationship with him and with another one. The boyfriend was very angry when he heard this fact after ten months of dating. The guy responded to the girl by saying â€Å"if you would have told me the truth from the beginning, i would have stayed with you but now it is too late I cannot trust you anymore†. The girl lied to the guy because she wanted to stay with him for money only and not because she liked him. There are many reasons to lie and one of them is like the story above. Lying to others has good benefits for others to prevent from falling into their own problems and escape them but at the end they will get hurt because lying does not last for long time. Once people learn how to lie successfully, they tend not to forget it because of the many benefits it brings. It is an art that progresses slowly from childhood into the adult years all the way to the last day we live. People lie to themselves and others for various reasons; some lie to make their story more compelling, a few lie to get them out of trouble, and others, such as lawyers, lie because they are accustomed to it. Even though people regard lying as a terrible thing, it is not. Lying does have its advantages.

Sunday, October 20, 2019

How to Say Negative Commands in Italian

How to Say Negative Commands in Italian Throughout childhood, we grow up hearing negative commands. Our parents say phrases, like Dont bother your brother!, Stop yelling!, Dont forget to do your homework!, or Don’t make a mess! And even though our intention isn’t to learn Italian so we can yell negative commands at our children, knowing how to use them in Italian can prove useful, particularly in situations like giving advice to a friend about a guy that sounds like trouble or suggesting that someone not eating something unhealthy. But first, where do these negative commands come from? The Imperative Mood The imperative mood is a way of giving advice, suggestions, or commands. If you need a refresher, read this article: The Imperative Mood in Italian. When it comes using this mood, the form of the verb depends on whether you use the â€Å"tu† form, the â€Å"lei† form, the â€Å"noi† form, and the â€Å"voi† form, which I’ll break down below. Negative Commands Using the â€Å"tu† Form The negative tu command forms of all verbs are formed by the infinitive of the verb preceded by non: Non dire cosà ¬! - Don’t talk like that!Non fare il guastafeste! - Don’t be a party-pooper!Non mangiare quell’hamburger! Non à ¨ sano. - Don’t eat that hamburger! It’s not healthy. But what happens when you start to add some more complicated elements to the mix, like pronouns, for example? Non andarci! - Don’t go there!Non glielo dare! / Non darglielo! - Dont give it to him!Non ne parlare mai pià ¹! - Don’t bring it up ever again! If you’re dealing with reflexive verbs, you would either place the pronoun at beginning or at the end of the conjugated verb, like: Non ti preoccupare! / Non preoccuparti! - Don’t worry!Non ti addormentare. / Non addormentarti. - Don’t fall asleep.Non ti sposare! / Non sposarti! - Don’t get married! Negative Commands Using the â€Å"lei† Form The negative â€Å"lei† command is formed by placing â€Å"non† before the verb that’s been conjugated in the imperative mood. Non parli! - Don’t speak!Non mangi quel piatto. - Don’t eat that dish.Non parta! - Don’t leave!Non creda (a) quello che dice lui! - Don’t believe what he says! Negative Commands Using the â€Å"noi† and â€Å"voi† Forms The negative â€Å"noi† and â€Å"voi: command forms of all verbs are formed simply by placing non before the affirmative forms: Voi Non dormite! - Don’t sleep!Non fate rumore! - Don’t make a sound!Non parlate! - Don’t speak!Non fumate! - Don’t smoke!Non andate in quel mercato per fare la spesa, andate in un altro. - Don’t go to that store to do the shopping, go to a different one. Noi Non dormiamo! - Let’s not sleep.Non facciamo rumore. - Let’s not make any noise.Non andiamo in quel mercato per fare la spesa, andiamo in un altro. - Let’s not go to that store to do the shopping, let’s go to a different one. Tip: Notice how the â€Å"noi† form is less seen as a command and more often seen as a suggestion.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Making A Successful And Thus A Good Team Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Making A Successful And Thus A Good Team - Essay Example Mainly organizations understand that being principled is high-quality business performance and pays in the protracted run. To be moral needs taking care of others, which includes, consumers and staff, appropriately and moderately. An organization that is involved in expansion and profits must create dealings with customers and employees supported on faith. Development of the employer-employee affiliation is significant to both parties for quite a few motives (McShane & Glinow, 2004, Pp 415-417). Are you confronting your first team-building session Do you doubt what you will do How to start According to Biech (2001, Pg 72-73) Team building is an organization development involvement that provides teams an opportunity to silence in their daily work to examine what's working and what could be improved. The consultant's role in team building is one of process guide, not content expert. This article provides insight into that role. It helps the consultant understand the goals of team building and how it differs from team training. The activities and norms developed in team-building sessions are different but complementary to that characteristic of management-training and skill-building sessions. Concepts such as leadership styles, decision-making, communication patterns, motivation, competition, and morale are all relevant to the process of team development. Improved Communication The basis for almost any problem in any organization is usually communication. Good teamwork can widen the circle of communication. Teamwork goes a step beyond, however, and helps people understand each other's jobs and roles in the organization. This leads to an appreciation for colleagues and a desire to help make their jobs easier. Personal Satisfaction Team members generally report a sense of personal satisfaction. A team may provide a sense of security that allows individuals to take risks and make decisions that they would not make if they were working alone. This generally leads to growth for the organization as well as the individual. Because most of us spend about 25 percent of our lives at work, it should be a pleasant experience. Teamwork can lead the way to making work pleasurable by helping to develop personal relationships. In fact, you should not feel as if you are getting up to go to work, but instead that you are getting up to go to play each day! Clear Goals Clearly defined goals are essential so that everyone understands the purpose and vision of the team. You might be surprised at how many people do not know the reason they are doing the tasks that make up their jobs, much less what their team is doing. Everyone must be pulling in the same direction and be aware of the end goals. Clear goals help team members understand where the team is going. Clear goals help a team know when it has been successful by defining exactly what the team is doing and what it wants to

Friday, October 18, 2019

The Impact Of Global Warming On Developing Countries Essay

The Impact Of Global Warming On Developing Countries - Essay Example Global warming has been directly linked to increased emissions of carbon dioxide and other gases. The Earth is warmed by the radiant heat from the rays of the sun, which is generally equal to the amount of energy that is radiated back from the Earth in the form of infra red radiation. Thus the temperature of the Earth remains constant. However, the temperature of the Earth is directly dependent upon the composition of its atmosphere and when there is an excess of carbon dioxide and similar gases in the atmosphere, it blocks the infra red radiation from the surface of the Earth, trapping heat in the lower atmosphere and creating a "greenhouse effect" which increases global temperatures Rapid industrialization has resulted in increased energy use, with the resultant multiplication of carbon dioxide emissions. According to Roberts (2004), energy demand in countries like India, China and Brazil is developing so fast that it may double by 2020, while in the developed countries, the demand for power is fast outstripping supply, raising the specter of blackouts. In fact Roberts (2004) also points out that â€Å"China has seen dramatic increases in its energy consumption in recent years (pp. 143–145). In the words of one scientist; â€Å"China's rapid industrialization has led to upward revision of predictions... While previously we thought in terms of doubling the strength of the CO2 content of the pre industrial atmosphere, current thought is moving toward a tripling† (Broecker 1586).

Circuit Theory Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 1

Circuit Theory - Essay Example The paper "Circuit Theory" shows and describes some figures with the two-way crossover's work. At frequencies way above the pass band, the rate of increase in attenuation is 12dB/octave at a 90 degrees phase shift which goes to 180 degrees at very high frequencies. The rate of the attenuation here depends on the filter order, which in turn is determined by the number of reactive components in the ladder. For instance in our case here there are two reactive components, hence the filter order is two and its rate of attenuation is given by nx6dB/octave = 12dB/octave since n=2. Its response at different values of n is as shown below. A two-way crossover has a combination of a high pass and a low pass filter which could be used to drive a tweeter and a loudspeaker at the same time. These two could be fed from the same model of an amplifier if and only if it can accommodate the frequency ranges of both of them. However this is a wide range hence it’s impossible to come up with such an amplifier, hence the two-way crossover is used. With the low pass filter designed as explained earlier its high pass counterpart can be derived from it following the simple fact that their frequency response is reciprocal of one another. This means that attenuation of a low pass filter at say a frequency of w=2 is the same as the equivalent high pass at w=0.5. Deriving from this the high pass filter components are the reciprocal of the normalised low-pass filter, such that where there are capacitors in the low pass model they are replaced by inductors in the high pass model.

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Securities Analysis and Portfolio Management Essay

Securities Analysis and Portfolio Management - Essay Example Louis is no longer working as a stock broker and Simon is now using the services of Cheryl who has strong views about Simon’s portfolio. Cheryl, a graduate in finance from York University, believes that markets are essentially efficient and admires the work of Harry Markowitz and Fama and French. She believes that the important thing is to have a good portfolio rather than good individual investments. Cheryl tells Simon that she doesn’t feel that he even has the best companies now even if they had been when the portfolio had been set up. Cheryl goes on to say that that a good portfolio needs to include exposure to overseas companies and smaller companies thus reducing the â€Å"beta† and improving the â€Å"alpha† of the portfolio. Cheryl also argued that it is vital to watch the â€Å"momentum† and have stop-losses on all the holdings in order to protect against primary downside movements. Simon is very concerned about his share holdings after talk ing to Cheryl and has approached you for advice. You ascertain that Simon, who doesn’t work, is 65 years old and is receiving a more than adequate income from his existing portfolio. Simon rents a flat in a seaside resort and does not wish to buy property. Simon is not willing to take on any additional risk. In addition to the shares discussed above Simon has ?14,000 in a bank account and ?300,000 in medium dated conventional gilts. Simon has two children from his short lived marriage to Susan who both have well paid jobs. Simon does not wish to transfer assets to his children as he would prefer to support any future grandchildren he has through their education. Simon’s ten equity holdings are: Company PE Ratio Dividend Yield Dividend Cover Equity Market Capitalisation (?m) BAE Systems 7.9 4.96% 2.5 11,003 BP 7.2 8.84% 1.6 77,353 British American Tobacco 15.4 4.2% 1.5 47,264 BT Group 7.6 4.89% 2.7 10,956 Diageo 14.8 3.47% 1.9 66,234 GlaxoSmithKline 10.5 4.78% 2.0 66,23 4 HSBC 29.9 3.34% 1.0 116,479 Marks and Spencer 10.9 4.16% 2.2 5,705 Rolls Royce 14.7 2.56% 2.6 10,847 Unilever 16.1 2.31% 3.2 23,281 Required: (a) With relevant statistics, discuss the strengths and weaknesses of Simon’s existing portfolio above (make reference to eps/dps growth; betas; price performance; and sector spread of the ten shareholdings). (35 marks) Simon’s stock portfolio has been constructed according to the established views of modern portfolio theory, which seeks â€Å"alpha† by selecting stock holdings in companies that will outperform the return of the general stock indices or interest rates over time. Modern portfolio theory is based in the tenets of risk management, which analyze security investments according to â€Å"beta† or the volatility of stock pricing due to company specific business activities, market factors, macroeconomic changes, natural disasters, wars, etc. Investors have different expectations, personal, and professional motivations in building their investments and with this also comes varying appetites or tolerances for risk. Modern portfolio theory was developed largely before ETF vehicles existed to track index performance through large, distributed

Evaluate consequences of global warming Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Evaluate consequences of global warming - Essay Example Thesis Statement: The purpose of this paper is to investigate the consequences of global warming; its adverse impacts on the earth’s ecological system, and consequently on human, plant and animal life. The leading theory on global warming is that human industrial activity over the last century is the root cause of global warming, since it has been causing carbon dioxide emission into the atmosphere. Similarly, modes of transportation such as cars and buses increase the emission levels. Further, the burning of fossil fuels and clearing of forests result in production of carbon dioxide and other heat-trapping gases, which remain in the atmosphere for several decades and even centuries (Behreandt, 2006). The accumulated gas prevents heat in the atmosphere from escaping into space, and the retained gas causes rise in the environmental temperature, termed as the greenhouse effect. This causes greater retention of heat by the earth, because carbon dioxide absorbs the earth’s heat radiation and acts like a blanket over the earth’s surface (Houghton, 2004). The rise in atmospheric warming activates natural processes that cause increasing release of greenhouse gases. Michaels (2005, p.50) states that â€Å"planetary near surface temperature has increased by approximately 1.5 degrees centigrade over the past century, and will continue at a higher rate for the next century†. The United Nation’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), the American Meteorological Society, the American Geophysical Union, and the American Association for the Advancement of Science agree that â€Å"greenhouse gases accumulating in the earth’s atmosphere as a result of human activities, cause surface air temperatures and subsurface ocean temperatures to rise† (Behreandt, 2006, p.10). The melting of ice from high altitudes and glaciers alters unique landscapes,

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Were the Anti-Federalists correct Was the 1787 Constitution a betrayal Essay

Were the Anti-Federalists correct Was the 1787 Constitution a betrayal of the American Revolution - Essay Example According to the events that led to the formation of the new constitution, it is only right to note that the new Constitution was a step forward in strengthening the revolution. The main aim of the revolution was to achieve independence from the British, but it did not mean that United States of America could not form its own government or manage itself. The new constitution is a representation of the strength of the revolution, by recognising its weaknesses and strengthening them to form a national government, and not a betrayal to what the people of the United States fought against. This essay will describe how the new constitution was a means to strengthening the American Revolution. 1780s is referred to as the critical period. It is during this period that American Revolution faced intense challenges. America already had a Constitution (the Articles of Confederation) which helped the government win the revolutionary war, establish a territorial governance system in the Northwest Territories, resolve conflicting state land claims, and negotiate the 1783 treaty of Paris.[This is a brief description of the benefits of the previous constitution. what was this?] Under this Constitution however, the confederation Congress was unable to protect the nation’s commerce, could not pay the interest owed on national debt, and had no power to fight economic depression. America, after achieving its independence, was in chaos. It had a national debt which it was unable to pay because of lack of congressional powers to raise the money. Congress could ask states to contribute revenue, but could not force them to do so. America needed a sure way of getting revenue to pay i ts debts and govern the nation well. It experienced inflation which was as a result of a move to clear the national debt. Instead of collecting revenue through taxation, state and national governments printed money. Taxing the people was not an option at the time. This is

Evaluate consequences of global warming Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Evaluate consequences of global warming - Essay Example Thesis Statement: The purpose of this paper is to investigate the consequences of global warming; its adverse impacts on the earth’s ecological system, and consequently on human, plant and animal life. The leading theory on global warming is that human industrial activity over the last century is the root cause of global warming, since it has been causing carbon dioxide emission into the atmosphere. Similarly, modes of transportation such as cars and buses increase the emission levels. Further, the burning of fossil fuels and clearing of forests result in production of carbon dioxide and other heat-trapping gases, which remain in the atmosphere for several decades and even centuries (Behreandt, 2006). The accumulated gas prevents heat in the atmosphere from escaping into space, and the retained gas causes rise in the environmental temperature, termed as the greenhouse effect. This causes greater retention of heat by the earth, because carbon dioxide absorbs the earth’s heat radiation and acts like a blanket over the earth’s surface (Houghton, 2004). The rise in atmospheric warming activates natural processes that cause increasing release of greenhouse gases. Michaels (2005, p.50) states that â€Å"planetary near surface temperature has increased by approximately 1.5 degrees centigrade over the past century, and will continue at a higher rate for the next century†. The United Nation’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), the American Meteorological Society, the American Geophysical Union, and the American Association for the Advancement of Science agree that â€Å"greenhouse gases accumulating in the earth’s atmosphere as a result of human activities, cause surface air temperatures and subsurface ocean temperatures to rise† (Behreandt, 2006, p.10). The melting of ice from high altitudes and glaciers alters unique landscapes,

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Fast food restaurant Essay Example for Free

Fast food restaurant Essay Recently, fast food has been from the most popular way for a lot of people. Nowadays, people think that they don’t have plenty of time to prepare food. However, a lot of families have been addicted to that type of fast food, finding it so easy and comfortable for their busy life. Fast food should not be banned because it is a freedom of choice, it has a lot of social benefits and the government offers high taxes on those places which serves that type of food. First of all, every person has the right to choose what to eat or what to drink. It is the freedom of choice. People should be able to put whatever they want in their bodies, whether it be unhealthy or not. Fast food industries started making less harmful products and reducing obesity, but people make their own decision to eat it knowing it is bad for them. So, it is their own responsibility to take care of their own health. Yes, fast food is not doubt unhealthy for people almost all the time. But in modern life, fast food can be helpful and sometimes quite enjoyable. (LEngle, â€Å"Because to take away a mans freedom of choice, even his freedom to make the wrong choice, is to manipulate him as though he were a puppet and not a person. † ) In United States, fast-food restaurants popularity is growing every single second. Nowadays, people can afford any a whole meal for 6 to 7 dollars each. (Bose D,N. D) fast food restaurants can provide customers with simple large meal sets with minimal cost. People admit that fast food restaurant helps them getting their life more easy, comfort and uncomplicated. For instance, if the two parents were having a lot of late work and late meetings and their kids were home without food for dinner without any cooked food, they can pull over at any near restaurant to order food before heading to their shelter. (Clark S, 2010) fast food restaurants are located nearly everywhere, providing customers with simple meals without the need to spend time travelling far distance just to purchase food. This popularity of fast food is increasing because of their main causes: low cost, fast service and restaurants is available everywhere. These are a lot of social benefits and other benefits for fast food that it leads to family gathering, giving that chance to the family to gather with their children, where a lot of these fast food restaurants have some games for those children or some luxury calm places for other families. .Otherwise, today a lot of people and teenagers hangout in a lot of fast food restaurants as a friends outing. However, a lot of people think that fast food is from the most dangerous things that should be banned due to its diseases firstly because it makes you obese; secondly it links a lot of medical problems like diabetes. . some think it leads to cancer and one of the most reasons that fast food lead to gaining of a lot of weight due to obesity. But fast food companies and industries nowadays is trying to fix that kind of problems by producing a lot of healthy choices for fast food as McDonalds, chili’s, Kfc and Papa Jones have produces a lot of diet food and drinks and healthy choices in order to satisfy all the needs needed by all ages of people with different opinions and choices. (Wolverson M.N,2009) fast food provide customers with a wide range of food to choose from. In conclusion , everything in our lives have pros and cons ,advantages and disadvantages . fast food has advantages more than its disadvangtes and at the end of discussion fast food should not be banned as a respect for the human rights as the freedom of choice . Giving people the chance to take their own choices and the decision to select their own style and their own life by eating whatever they want whether it is unhealthy or not.

Monday, October 14, 2019

Fascist Italy And Nazi Germany History Essay

Fascist Italy And Nazi Germany History Essay Fascism is actually an Italian word which was used by early Italians as a symbol of sovereignty and authority of Roman Empire. The actual meaning of the word is axe headed rods. The dominancy of Roman Empire was over their forces of nineteenth century as they aspire at combining the muscular nationalism with an aggressive style of activism characterized by anti-materialism, idealism and violence. (Front, 2012) Fascism projected Benito Mussolini who was the leader into premiership and it directs to the formation of new political dictatorship. Nazism is linked to political philosophies and the government of Adolf Hitler. The main purpose of Nazism was the tribal pre-eminence of the Aryan people, the eradication of the Jews who were substandard, aggressive foreign policy in relation to the eastern European nations and the importance of Hitler to be maintained. Similarities between Fascist Italy and Nazi Germany: Both groups have some aspects in common that is, both had rejected the importance of enlightenment over individual rationality and had put a special emphasis on emotional aspects and role of will on individuals. Italian fascists and German Nazi wants to dominate as leaders and were much concerned about their authoritative positions despite of the rights of masses; they want their intellectual aspects to be highlighted above all. (Mackel, 2012) The groups hold on the same philosophies and had rejected the theory of liberalism, political institutions of liberal democracy and the ideologies of Marxism. Fascists and German national Socialists had followed theories of social Darwinism by arguing that human development is based upon an elementary effort for existence in which only the strong individuals and strong nations can survive at the expense of others. (Front, 2012) Differences between Fascist Italy and Nazi Germany: Nazi German and Fascist Italy had different attitude towards race; racialism was very strong in the ideology of Nazism but less in Fascism ideology. Besides racism, both groups had a difference of opinion about nature of the State, tradition and modernity and the objectives of foreign policy. Speaking about nature of State, then Italian Fascism was analyzed by the theories of Totalitarianism and Corporatism whereas totalitarianism were rejected by German Nazi as they want to promote their own race, cast or creed. As far as technology is concerned then Germany has realized technology to be most important whereas Italian fascist wants to have technology along with their traditions. (Price, 2009) Factors of Power behind the Groups: The factors that allowed Italian to come into power are their fascism that is authoritarianism and superiority, where as for Germans, they have the power of Nazi as well as military rule. At that time German Nazi were having dominancy because of their propaganda campaigns, Hitlerà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s speaking skills and intelligence, Nazi policies, they had got a huge support from big business or enterprises and criticism of the Weimar system of government. (Mangion, 2008) They were weak due to depression, cooperation and attitude of Germans that forced them to have power Speaking about Italian then they were holding dominancy because of their forces and other factors that motivate them were huge territorial gains and economic benefit for switching sides in World War One. Ultimate Goals of Two Groups: The ultimate goal of Italian Fascism was to rule the world or to hold dominancy or authority that is they want Roman Empire to rule the world forever. They want glories of Roman Empire to be maintained and to eliminate the turmoil rife that is anti-democracy and totalitarianism where as the purpose of Hitlerà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s Nazi Pact was to was to put the Germanic people at the peak of humanity. (History, 2012) He was more concerned with ethnic purification and dependence to create and work the space, than waging war itself. Role of Women in both Societies: Italian women were more to follow traditions whereas German women came forward to work with shoulders to shoulders. Actually before World War II, women were not given equal rights as compare to men; they were obliged to marry and to sit at home, but after World War II there was a severe shortage of men that become impossible for each and every women to marry so equal employment and opportunity programs were developed. (Levy, 2009) German women also took part in World War; they hold guns and transfer proper medication to the army. In Italy, there was a financial crisis due to war so they have to come forward their women to work for the survival. Conclusion: Due to Adolf Hitler and his philosophies, there was a rise of Germany to a fascist state in 1920s and early 1930s, before that Germany was unstable socially, economically and politically where as fascist economy was one of the biggest user of propaganda in the fascist regime, and something that Mussolini took great personal interest in. (Culture, 2012) Both struggled to keep their state and practices as dominant, but Italy was excessively influenced by German military power.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Steinbeck’s novel, Of Mice and Men has been described as a protest stat

Steinbeck’s novel, Of Mice and Men has been described as a protest statement Steinbeck’s novel, â€Å"Of Mice and Men† has been described as a protest statement. To what extent do you think that this is true? Steinbeck protest’s about the way that several different types of people were treated during the early nineteenth century. He protests against the treatment of the mentally retarded, cripples, African American people and the viewing of women as possessions. He does this by creating a character for each of these groups of people, and exposing these characters as victims, which generates the reader’s sympathy for them. Steinbeck was a sympathizer with the migrant workers and this is shown in the book. Steinbeck wrote a series of articles and made a documentary film about migrant workers. For John Steinbeck this book was used to highlight the issues generated in the situation. Each character has their own traits. Normally they all have at least one good quality and they all have a negative quality. Firstly in this essay I am going to look at the segregation and racial hatred that Crooks experiences during the novel. Like other hardships experienced in the book by other characters this kind of treatment eventually turns Crooks and he is bullied into thinking like his oppressors. Crooks is more permanent than the other ranch hands and has his own room off the stables with many more possessions than the other workers. This room is made out to be a privilege and also because it means he is nearer to the horses but in fact it is really because the other ranch hands do not want him in the bunk house with them. An example of how the men are discriminative towards Crooks is that he is forced to live in a shack ... ...wned by men who read this book would probably realise that they should live up to their dreams rather than having their place in the home. The cripples and elderly who read this book must have felt sorry at the fact that they were being bullied into making a hard decision that they did not want to make and the mentally retarded people that can read this book might be interested to know that it is not their fault. However Lenny’s character affects more than just the real Lenny’s in the world. It sends a message to others, people who have to live with mentally retarded people every day, it tells them to understand what they are going through and to take care as Lenny like characters may not fully understand what they mean. This book can be summed up as a statement, perhaps even as a leaflet to inform people of the hardships of the nineteenth century America. Steinbeck’s novel, Of Mice and Men has been described as a protest stat Steinbeck’s novel, Of Mice and Men has been described as a protest statement Steinbeck’s novel, â€Å"Of Mice and Men† has been described as a protest statement. To what extent do you think that this is true? Steinbeck protest’s about the way that several different types of people were treated during the early nineteenth century. He protests against the treatment of the mentally retarded, cripples, African American people and the viewing of women as possessions. He does this by creating a character for each of these groups of people, and exposing these characters as victims, which generates the reader’s sympathy for them. Steinbeck was a sympathizer with the migrant workers and this is shown in the book. Steinbeck wrote a series of articles and made a documentary film about migrant workers. For John Steinbeck this book was used to highlight the issues generated in the situation. Each character has their own traits. Normally they all have at least one good quality and they all have a negative quality. Firstly in this essay I am going to look at the segregation and racial hatred that Crooks experiences during the novel. Like other hardships experienced in the book by other characters this kind of treatment eventually turns Crooks and he is bullied into thinking like his oppressors. Crooks is more permanent than the other ranch hands and has his own room off the stables with many more possessions than the other workers. This room is made out to be a privilege and also because it means he is nearer to the horses but in fact it is really because the other ranch hands do not want him in the bunk house with them. An example of how the men are discriminative towards Crooks is that he is forced to live in a shack ... ...wned by men who read this book would probably realise that they should live up to their dreams rather than having their place in the home. The cripples and elderly who read this book must have felt sorry at the fact that they were being bullied into making a hard decision that they did not want to make and the mentally retarded people that can read this book might be interested to know that it is not their fault. However Lenny’s character affects more than just the real Lenny’s in the world. It sends a message to others, people who have to live with mentally retarded people every day, it tells them to understand what they are going through and to take care as Lenny like characters may not fully understand what they mean. This book can be summed up as a statement, perhaps even as a leaflet to inform people of the hardships of the nineteenth century America.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Essays --

The Scott Peterson Case. This case was about a couple, Laci and Scott Peterson who everyone thought they had a good life together, good jobs, nice cars, a golden retriever, a new house, and even a new baby on the way. Scott Peterson began to become unhappy and did not want that new baby with all the stress going on, and instead of getting a divorce he decided to kill his own wife and unborn son! On December 24, 2002, Laci Peterson was reported missing by her husband Scott, she was eight months pregnant. Scott acted very calm and collected about his missing wife, he was on a â€Å"fishing trip† at Berkeley Marina and he when he returned home he seen that lacy was not at home and that was gone from early in the morning to the mid afternoon. They called the cops, and the search for Laci began. It was a huge search over 1,000 volunteers signed up to give information about Laci and her disappearance. There was a 25,000 dollar reward that increased up to 250,000 dollars and then was then increased all the way up to 500,000 dollar reward for any leads that would bring her home. There were posters, and fliers and even a website trying to spread the word about Laci’s disappearance and trying to bring her home to her family and friends. But, There were no signs of Laci anywhere, they began to not believe that she would show up safe anytime soon about halfway thru, but th ey kept looking all the way until March 5th, 2003, when it went from a disappearance case, to a homicide case where Scott Peterson is the biggest suspect they have. Then everyone hopes of Laci coming home safe went down the drain on April 13, 2003. there was a couple that was walking their dog along San Francisco Bay shore in Richmond's Point Isabel Regional Shoreline park, th... ...ut right because i don’t think that any other sentence would be okay. This outcome was correct because he doesn’t get to walk as a free man or even live his life how he was and he doesn’t have the chance to hurt anyone else. If you hurt your child and your wife, who that is supposed to be who you love and protect the most when you are an older man. When you choose to hurt them, your own family i believe you will hurt anyone then. I think that the defendant did receive a fair trial because there were more than 6 jurors, there were about 9, because of the ones who got kicked off, due to different reasons. I think that it was many different point of views. I believe that he received no special treatment, there was so many points and evidence against him, including the lies, and everything he lied about. I think that there was no special treatment to even go his way.

Friday, October 11, 2019

Is It Possible to Prove the Existance of God Essay

Is it possible to prove the existence of God? Throughout time many philosophers have been searching for an answer to creation and whether it is actually possible to prove (or not prove) if God exists. Some of the philosophers include Thomas Aquinas, William Paley and Blaise Pascal they came up with various different theories and arguments to prove the existence of God and why they believed he did exist. Another philosopher Karl Marx thought that his theory could convince people not to believe in God. One philosopher, Thomas Aquinas believed that God did exist and that he could prove this simply by arguing that the Universe could not have been made by nothing at all, saying that it was impossible for something to come from nothing. He believed that the universe was caused to exist by something which itself is uncaused, or else there would be an infinite regress. He thought that the only way to explain the start of the universe in a rational way was to say that it was created by God. I think that Aquinas may be right, but I doubt that he is right as he is saying that God was created by nothing but I feel that something must have created God and therefore there must have been an infinite regress. There is also no solid evidence or proof that God does exist and since there isn’t I think that not even Aquinas is 100% sure that God exists. Also, Aquinas’ theory seems rather contradictory as he says that the Universe must be caused by something and cannot just simply be made by nothing but that God is an uncaused causer. Another Philosopher, William Paley, like Aquinas was convinced that God does exist and that he could prove it. Paley ‘invented’ the thought experiment to encourage people to agree with him that God exists. He called his argument that Teleological argument (coming from the Greek word ‘telas’ meaning purpose). Story Imagine you are walking across open countryside with some friends. Then you suddenly come across something lying on the grass. You are so impressed with the workmanship that you are your friend. Who do you think made this watch? † The friend says†Nobody made this watch it was always there† Paley said that the universe, like a watch is too complicated and intelligently designed to have no creator. Paley used the Analogy of the watch to argue the existence of God. Paley argues that if a simple watch has a creator then the universe, which is so much more complicated and in some ways more beautiful than a watch must have a creator and that creator must be God. I think that Paley’s theory does seem reasonable but I do not fully agree with it completely. I think that the world must have a creator but not necessarily God anything could have been the creator and that the creator might not be Omnipotent, Omnibonevelant and Omniscient the creator could have simply just created the universe and then just left it or done nothing else to it. Another philosopher who also likes Aquinas and Paley ‘believed’ in God and thought that he could use his theory to encourage others to do so was Blaise Pascal. However, Pascal’s theory was very different to Aquinas and Paley’s. Pascal believed that God’s existence can neither be approved nor disapproved and whatever you decide about this problem will be uncertain and that your answer can be nothing more than a gamble. Pascal said that you cannot avoid making a gamble on God’s existence and you have to place your bet whether you like it or not. Pascal soon came to the conclusion that it would be better to believe that God existed than not to as you will not lose anything by doing so. He thought that if you believed that God existed and then after your death he actually did you would have a big gain by going to heaven. If, however God didn’t exist and you believed that you did you would not lose anything apart from some of your time praying and going to religious places etc. Pascal also thought that if you did not believe in God and came to know after your death that he did you would be most likely to go to hell therefore have a big loss. He called his theory Pascal’s wager. I strongly disagree with Pascal’s theory mainly because he only believed in God for selfish reasons and wanted people to believe in God only because of the happiness they would get in heaven which is not the actual idea. Also I think that God does not decide to put people in heaven and hell based on whether they believe or not but by the good deeds they have done in their life, so people who believe in God just for reasons like Pascal’s probably would not go to heaven anyway. I think that Pascal seems rather greedy to believe in God just to go to heaven after his death. The last philosopher I’m going to talk about is Karl Marx. Marx thought that that â€Å"Religion is a tool of oppression† meaning that Religion is something that you do not actually need but use to distract yourself from other things and something that someone just gets pleasure and happiness from. So he thought that everyone should just reject religion and this would make people aware of their own true situation and this may give them a chance to improve the conditions in which they live. Marx used quotes from the bible to back up quotes from the bible to back up his theory. â€Å"Blessed are the poor in spirit†¦ inherit the earth† Marx would argue that this quote is trying to say that it is not the rich and powerful who are most fortunate but actually the poor, as they will go to heaven because of all the suffering they have endured. He would say that the poor are often given quotes like this to make them content with their own miserable lives and that religion makes a virtue of poverty and meekness and unacceptable lives have been glamorised. Therefore I do not agree with Marx argument mainly because his theory may have been applicable at that time but it is not now, as people do not use religion just to have a distraction or something to comfort them when everything else is a mess. To conclude I think that although there are many different theories for whether God exists or not it is not actually possible to prove that God exists and that if you believe in God you should not just believe that he exists because of some theory but because you actually believe he exists and want to believe in him. Although it is probably not possible to prove whether God exists or not (unless he came down to earth and told everyone) the most convincing way would be to experience a miracle. Miracles can prove that God exists to a certain amount because most miracles would be far too big to be just a coincidence. Even though there are many stories about miracles in the news and in religious books such as the bible you cannot actually be sure until you experience one yourself. Miracles may not prove that God as people know him exists (Omnipotent, Omnibonevelant and Omniscient etc) but they do prove that there is an all powering/ supernatural being.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Everything Happens For a Reason Essay

â€Å"I believe that everything happens for a reason. People change so that you can learn to let go, things go wrong so that you appreciate them when they’re right, you believe lies so you eventually learn to trust no one but yourself, and sometimes good things fall apart so better things can fall together.† – Marilyn Monroe. I believe in everything happens for a reason. Have you ever thought about everything that takes place might have a reason? Day by day you make mistakes; you say the wrong things; you show off; you make someone else smile; you do a good deed; etc. But, those have reasons. You make a mistake because you don’t understand or didn’t pay attention; you make someone else smile because you have a good heart; you show off because that’s what everyone does; you do a good dead because that’s who you are. Everything happening for a reason is a way of coping with the disasters in someone’s life. People tend to question if everything does happen for a reason and that’s because most refer to a higher power such as; God. They tend to wonder if the drastic situations that happen, really did have a reasoning behind it. When someone tends to question a reasoning, most of the time, it’s because the death of a loved one. I have these feelings a lot. Why ? My great grandfather died before I was born from suicide and my best friend also committed suicide last year. 10 years ago; my grandfather died because he was a alcoholic, that same year my uncle passed from a blood clot in his brain. My other grandfather passed away 2 years ago from pancreatic cancer. Sometimes I tend to wonder why these things happen to people who mean so much to me and then other times I get it together and say it was time. The things that tend to happen in people’s lives always have a positive and negative effect. Most people tend to look at the negative effect, instead of coping with the positive effects. Most negative effects deal with someone lying to you or leaving you. You learn to never trust anyone and that’s your way of coping. Where if you were to think of the positive effects, they lied so you would learn to strive for the truth; they left so that way the bad things could fall apart and the good things fall together. â€Å"Everything happens for a reason, though the reason is not always as clear as would like it to be.†-Unknown